Purification of total flavones by macroporous resin and its determination of the active components from Resina Draconis
摘要: 目的 采用大孔树脂对国产血竭总黄酮进行分离纯化,并测定其中活性成分的含量。 方法 收集大孔树脂70%乙醇和95%乙醇洗脱液,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定其中活性成分—龙血素A、龙血素B的含量。以ODS柱为分析柱,乙腈:1%冰醋酸(34.5:65.5)为流动相,检测波长为280 nm。 结果 龙血素A、龙血素B分别在11.00~275.00 g/ml、20.00~500.00 g/ml范围内线性关系良好,线性方程分别为Y=35 844C+44 725(r=0.999 9),Y=28 533C-41 085(r=0.999 9);方法的准确度、精密度、稳定性均符合要求。制得的国产血竭精制总黄酮中龙血素A、龙血素B的含量分别为26.93、25.53 mg/g。 结论 本法可用于国产血竭中相关活性成分的分析及制备,为进一步研究国产血竭活血化瘀作用提供依据。Abstract: Objective To purify the total flavones from Resina Draconis using D101 resin, and set up a method of simultaneously determining the contents of loureirin A and B in the extract. Methods Fractions in 70% and 95% ethanol were collected. Mixture of acetonitrile and l% acetic acid (34.5:65.5) was used as the mobile phase and ODS column was used as stationary phase to determine loureirin A and B. The detecting wave length was 280 nm. Results In the established HPLC method, the linear range of loureirin A was 11.00-275.00 g/ml, and that of loureirin B was 20.00-500.00 g/ml. Linear equation of loureirin A was Y=35 844C+44 725(r=0.999 9) and that of loureirin B was Y=28 533C-41 085, r=0.999 9.The accuracy, precision and stability of this method were satisfactory. Conclusion The proposed method was suitable for preparation of total flavones and determination of its active components from Resina Draconis.
Key words:
- total flavones in Resina Draconis /
- macroporous resin /
- loureirin A /
- loureirin B /
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