A brief discussion on the development and challenges of smoking cessation services led by pharmacist abroad
目的 探讨国外药师在戒烟方面发挥的作用,促进药师主导戒烟服务的宣传与开展。 方法 通过PubMed和SCOPUS电子数据库搜索并整理药师参与提供戒烟服务的价值及其相关支持政策发展进程,探讨药师提供戒烟服务的可行性及障碍。 结果 药师在戒烟方面的参与度对公众健康和经济有积极影响,赋予药师戒烟药物处方权、开展药师戒烟服务培训,以及通过跨专业合作提高药师发挥戒烟作用的潜力等可有效克服药师发挥戒烟作用的障碍。 结论 适时考虑将药师主导的戒烟服务纳入医疗公共卫生政策指南,提高戒烟的有效性和可持续性。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the role of pharmacists in smoking cessation abroad and foster the dissemination and initiation of smoking cessation services led by pharmacist. Methods A search and compiles information on the value of pharmacists in offering smoking cessation services were carried out through the PubMed and Scopus electronic databases and the evolution of supportive policies were analyzed. The feasibility and barriers to pharmacists providing these services were examined. Results The involvement of pharmacists in smoking cessation positively impacted public health and the economy. Endowing pharmacists with the authority to prescribe smoking cessation medications, providing training in this service, and bolstering their potential through interprofessional collaboration can effectively address the barriers to their role in smoking cessation. Conclusion It is advisable to consider integrating smoking cessation services led by pharmacist into healthcare and public health policy guidelines ,which could enhance the efficacy and sustainability of smoking cessation initiatives. -
Key words:
- pharmacists /
- social pharmacies /
- smoking cessation /
- public health
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