2015 年2 月,由原国家食品药品监督管理总局和人力资源社会保障部修订、公布并实施的第七版《国家执业药师资格考试大纲》,对发展和完善执业药师制度发挥了积极作用。为继续贯彻落实国家新医改和国家药品安全工作的需要,进一步完善执业药师职业资格制度提出的方针、政策要求,以适应我国经济和医药行业的发展与变化,以及公众对合理用药及药学服务需求的进一步提升,执业药师职业资格考试大纲的适时修订尤为重要。
Suggestions on the revision of pharmacist examination outline for national professional qualification examination of licensed pharmacists
摘要: 本文对第七版国家执业药师职业资格考试药学类考试大纲实施情况进行总结,指出存在的问题和不足:学科之间界定不清、知识有机融合不够、专业基础学科内容选择实用性不强等。同时对药学类考试科目大纲修订思路、内容提出相应的修订建议:增加学科之间专业融合度以及相关专业知识的广度,从临床用药入手,强调以人为中心的药学服务,注重综合与实用性。以期为进一步完善国家执业药师职业资格考试大纲提供参考。Abstract: This paper summarized the implementation of the pharmacist examination outline of the seventh edition of the national professional qualification examination for licensed pharmacists, and pointed out the existing problems and deficiencies: unclear definition between disciplines, insufficient organic integration of knowledge, lack of practicability in the content selection of professional basic disciplines and so on. At the same time, corresponding revision suggestions are put forward for the revision ideas and contents of the syllabus of pharmaceutical examination: increase the degree of professional integration between disciplines and the breadth of relevant professional knowledge, start with clinical medication, emphasize people-centered pharmacy services, and pay attention to comprehensiveness and practicability. It is hoped to provide references for further improving the outline of the national licensed pharmacist qualification examination.
Key words:
- licensed pharmacists /
- examination syllabus /
- revision /
- advises
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