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[爲椵湝朠??????楒?攠瑋?慮汯??椬???乳慨瑩楨潡湲慡氠?伬猠琼敩漾灥潴爠潡獬椼猯?匾漮挠楁敮瑡祬?灳物慳挠瑯楦挠慤污?捬汹椠湴楥捲慩汰?杲畡楴摩敤汥椠湴敲?潡湴?癥楮瑴愠浦楯湲???慴湥摯?扯潲湯敳?桳攠慩汮琠桭孥?嵛???愠瑏畳牴楥瑯慰獯???????????㈱??ㄠ????㈩???戲爱?嬼??崾?刲收杝椠湓獨瑩敲牡??夠???牕慥湤摡椠??????慩湭湯慴瑯愠??渠搼??????慬??? ̄?椠?敲瑥?慴汭??楴???味桰敯?灳潥獳椠瑷楩潴湨?潯普?獥琭牷潥湥瑫楬畹洠?牥慲湩数污慲瑡整?楤湥?瑴潨摥慲祡?獹?浦慯湲愠杯敳浴敥湯瑰?潲景?潩獳瑛敊潝瀮漠牏潳獴楥獯孰?嵲??传獉瑮整漬瀠漲爰漱猶??渲琷??日〩???‵祝????????????????扭牭?孲??嵯??攮甠湏楳整牥?偰???剳潩畳砺????即敯敺浵慭湡?????楳?敳琠?慥汲??楡???呩桤敥?敊晝昮攠捎瑡獴?潒晥?猠瑒牨潥湵瑭楡畴浯?爬愠渲攰氱愷琬攠?漳渨?琩栺攵?爲椮猼止?漾晛′瘸敝爠瑔敡扳牨慪汩?普爠慁捈琠畊牲攬?楇湡?睥潬洠敒湆?眠楔瑥桲?灰潡獲瑡浴敩湤潥灛慨畵獭慡汮?潐獔瑈攠漨瀱漭爳漴猩楝猺嬲?崵??乥??湳朠汯????数摥???のっ?????ぴ?????????????扦牥?孹?は嵦?側慨祥攠牤????呦牯敲愠瑴浨敥渠瑴?潥晡?灭潥獮瑴?浯敦渠潯灳慴略獯慰汯?潯獳瑩敳潛灊潝爮漠獊椠獂?扮祥?獍瑩牮潥湲琠楒略浳?爠愲渰攰氶愬琠攲?椨渳?攺瘳攵爴礭搳愶礵?瀼牢慲挾瑛椲挹敝??啩??…猣琲申搳礻嬠?崬???汲楤湩??硃瀬?偌桩慯牵洠慁挬漠氼? ̄?ぴㄠ?????????????????扢物?孩??崠??戠摦畬汵??慩橤敥攠摩?匠???潴桭慥浮敯摰?乵??卬漠敷汯慭楥浮愺湣??买??呡桴敩?略猠敳?潵晤?搠敢汥瑴慷?瑥潮挠潳瑯牤楩敵湭漠汦?慵湯摲?汤潥瘠慡獮瑤愠瑤楩湳?晤潩牵?愠湭瑯楮?潦獬瑵敯潲灯潰牨潯瑳楰捨?瑴桥攭牣慡灬祣孩?嵭???楲晢敯?卡捴楥????ㄠ??????????????扉牮?嬬?㈱崹??愬椠‵??″堩町′???圲由″????椾?攳琰?愠汓??楲???吠桍攬?晕略湤捡琠楓漬渠慓汵?浩敭捯桴慯渠楔猬洠?潩显?獴椠浡癬愼猯瑩愾琮椠湔?楥湡?敭硥灮整爠楲浥敳湰瑯慮汳?潳猠瑷敩潴灨漠牯潮獣楥猭孷?嵥?????潥湲敩??楲湡整物??攠瑴慨扥???べㄠ????????????????扛牊?嬮??嵳??畯????坳攠楉?奴??′倰攱渶本?????椰?攺琳‰愵氷??椰????獢瑲愾扛氳椱獝栠浐敥湲瑥?潲晡?慁?氬甠捃楨晩敢牡愠獆教?愠獤獥愠祌?扭慡猠敃摯?獴捩牮敨敯渠楍湡杴?獥祲獡琠敍浓?映漼物 ̄摥整琠敡捬琼椯湩朾?攠獅瑦牦潥杣整湳?牯敦挠敦灬瑵潯牲?慤来漠湯楮猠瑩獮?極湬?灮氠慳湩瑧?敡硬瑩牮慧挠瑡獮孤?嵢???漠湭敥???は???????????????????扺牥?嬠??嵴?婛桊慝渮朠?儠??兡楣湥???坥???敥?圠???楬?攠琲‰愱氷??椳????漰甭洱愴父椮渼獢?显牛漳洲?挠滖榌摃椬甠洭?济漮渠滣椢攧犨槅?慛湍摝?琠栗斬椺犺?慫渟瓺楈漾猬琠攲漰瀰漳爬漠琶椳挰?愷挱琶椮瘼楢瑲社孛?崳??偂汯慬湬瑡慮??敍摊???ひづ?????????ㄠ??????扯牵?孤??嵥?婰桲慥湳杣?兩奢??兣楡湬??偵???畲愠湶杩??????楄?敳瑵?慰汬??楥???匠瑴畯搠祴?潥湡?攠景晲攠捰瑲獥?潥普?琠潯瑳慴汥?捰潯畲浯慳物楳渿敛獊?昮爠潃浬?瑭桡散?晥牲畩楣琬猠′漰昱‵?渠椱搸椨畳浵?浰潬渲温椺攲爲椭″漱渮?潢獲琾敛漳瀴潝爠潏獳楴獥?楰湯?潯癳慩牳椠敡据瑤漠浢楯穮敥搠?物慮瑥獲孡?崠???桥楡湳?倠桡慳牳浯慣捩????????????????ㄠて??ㄠつ???扮牯?孩??嵡??愠潴??偡??婥桮整渠杯?夠买??六楡湲??偯???楯?敯瑲?慳汩??楊????畨物据甠汊椠杇潥?潥牲挠桐楲潡楣摴攬猠?‰愰?琬爠愵搨椸琩椺漴渵愵氭??样椮渼敢獲放?洳攵摝椠捂楲湩慮汣?灴氠慍測琠??灭牢敩癮攠湊琬猠?扲潩湮散?汴漠獍猬?椼湩 ̄潥癴愠牡楬攼振瑩漾洮椠穔敨摥?牲慯瑬獥嬠?嵦???慴瑡畭物楮琠慄猠??㈠はび???????????????き??扵牲?孴??崬??愰?堵儬??娰栨攳温机愳′???″娲栮愼湢杲 ̄奛???椠?敡瑰?慤汩??楴????湵瑬楯潳猠瑅攬漠灗潥牬潬瑳椠捇?映汓慨癥潡渠潂椬搠猼?显牥潴洠?偬漼搯潩挾愮爠灍楥畴浡?灡潮摡潬捹慳牥灳甠浯学?嵴??偲桡祰瑩潥捳栠敦浯楲猠瑰牯祳??敥瑮瑯???び???????????????金?Ⅷ:Meta-analysis of the efficacy of vitamin D treatment in preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women[J]. Endocr Rev, 2002, 23(4):560-569.
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