Analysis of rational use of Chinese patent medicine in a hospital outpatient pharmacy in Shanghai from 2015 to 2017
摘要: 目的 分析评价上海市某医院(简称本院)门诊中成药利用情况,考察本院控制药占比措施的实际效果。 方法 调查2015年1月1日至2017年12月31日本院门诊中成药使用的销售量和总费用,采用药品日剂量数(DDDs)、药物利用指数(DUI)等指标,分析门诊中成药利用情况。 结果 在门诊人数下降仅8.4%的情况下,本院中成药总费用由2015年的1496.8万元降至2017年的1147.5万元,降幅达23.3%。本院中成药使用数量由2015年的362414.6盒/瓶锐减为2017年的270144.5盒/瓶,降幅达25.5%。大多数药品的DDDs均表现出稳定的下降趋势,但DUI指标未见明显变化。 结论 本院从2016年开始采取的降低药占比措施是有效的,降低了药品费用,促进了合理用药,2017年实现了药占比降至35%的阶段性目标,中成药的使用趋于合理。Abstract: Objective To analyze the utilization of Chinese patent medicines in a hospital outpatient pharmacy in Shanghai and evaluate the effectiveness of measures to control the component ratio of the medications. Methods The sales volume and total cost of outpatient Chinese patent medicines in the hospital from January 1,2015 to December 31,2017 were investigated.The medication usage was analyzed by DDDs and DUI. Results With only 8.4% drop in the outpatient numbers,the total cost of Chinese patent medicine in the outpatient pharmacy decreased from 14.968 million yuan in 2015 to 11.475 million yuan in 2017,a decrease of 23.3%.The number of Chinese patent medicines used in the hospital decreased sharply from 362414.6 boxes/bottles in 2015 to 270144.5 boxes/bottles in 2017,a decrease of 25.5%.DDDs of most drugs showed a steady downward trend,but the DUI index did not change significantly. Conclusion The hospital has taken effective measures to reduce the component ratio and cost of medications to promote rational drug use since 2016. The phased target of reducing the component ratio of medications to 35% in 2017 was achieved. The use of Chinese patent medicines tends to be reasonable.
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